At the Fiocchi shooting day

In the beautiful surroundings of Lonato del Garda in northern Italy, the first Fiocchi shooting day took place, testing our shooting skills and team spirit. 

Fiocchi is one of the leaders in the production of small calibre ammunition required in hunting, sport shooting, security and defence, or in specific fields such as zootechnics. In the CZECHOSLOVAK GROUP it represents the ammo+ division.

Five companies belonging to the CSG took part in the Fiocchi Shooting day 2023 event. The competition was coordinated throughout the day by prominent shooting sports personalities such as Michael Spada, Venier Spada and Katiuscia Spada. They showcased their talents and, most importantly, shared their expertise with everyone. Their participation greatly enriched the entire event, highlighting the importance of education and adherence to the rules needed to achieve perfect results.